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Displaying 26 - 50 of 925 Testimonials

The most positive aspect I have gained has been a mental shift in the right direction. I have a long way to go to increase my physical fitness to the level I need and I’m at the start. Having a better mindset has helped with my motivation to continue making good habits that will help me succeed.


Mar 2024


Mar 2024

I was sure this programme was not for me. I'd tried mindfulness before and relaxation with no benefit, but the course felt like I was not doing this alone and it's so useful to keep going back to reassess. I don't like the journal but am now finding benefit from other parts of the course I didn't like. The mindfulness is helping me to be kinder to myself and the relaxation is certainly leading me to better sleep - I am very happily surprised about this. I am already learning to think about my pain in a different way. Rather than fight it and get upset I am more accepting of it being there because I feel I have tools now to deal with it in a better way. I can't do this well all the time but I'm practising. It's so much better to be pro active rather than sit grumbling. I will definitely carry these tools into the future, self help is liberating. Thank you.


Mar 2024

This course feels at first as if it’s a fob off but it is great from the point of emphasising mindfulness self care and self help all of which can be forgotten when you think medication/ surgery / more medication are readily available and more effective ( they often are not) So thank you for the step by step encouragement and sympathetic advice and understanding shown by the professionals taking part. Incidentally I felt that this course gave the professionals time to explain techniques that they would never have time to explain in a one to one consultation…please finish the course it is interesting to see the improvements however small that can be achieved by practice


Mar 2024

It is a very good course, well structured with different things to achieve, I particularly like the videos especially the meditation ones ( even though I have never believed in them before). The people speaking are easy to understand and explain things at all levels, having the library is great as you can keep going back to it I take my notebook to bed so I can listen to the sleep one. I would recommend everyone to try this course you don't have to do it quickly you can take your time and work at your own pace going back if you forget something.


Mar 2024


Mar 2024

I found the program not very helpful for me because it is concentrating on musculoskeletal pain and I suffer on abdominal pain and IBS.


Mar 2024

This was a good program . I've known about mindfulness and have done a course init a few years back. My pain is up and down but I think that's to do with my depression and anxiety issues. These have been with me for 21 plus years . I've had counselling many times but alas it's too deep to resolve . The exercises you've showed us are really good and I have more good days than bad . Thank you to you all for your help in managing pain


Mar 2024


Mar 2024


Mar 2024


Mar 2024


Mar 2024

It’s worth completing the course. Learning new techniques is key & I learned a lot about myself, how I cope with my pain. It made me pause, gave me confidence in the management of the pain; taking back my life to achieve the goals I’ve set for myself. Takes time but the tools given to me will help me cope with any setbacks I may have. Thank you.


Mar 2024

I found pathway through pain very encouraging well put over and very helpful with my chronic pain issues. My pain is now manageable the odd flair ups but what you taught me I can overcome this I thank you from the bottom of my heart


Mar 2024

I am struggling with this part because I cannot really separate the content here from the physical exercises given to me by my physiotherapist. My only affirmation is to walk for an hour. I haven't put it to the test yet but I will say that I would not have identified this before the program started. Maybe this program isn't for me.


Mar 2024

It is long but essential give you prospective on how things can change with help


Feb 2024


Feb 2024

Although I was sceptical at the beginning, I found some of this very helpful. As someone who suffers from pain everyday but also works full-time the balance is never right for me but from these videos I have gained some insight into how I can and must incorporate some mindfulness and focused exercise into my day. It is tempting to say that I do 10,000 steps everyday darting round site but this is not care specific, it is a necessity. From this I have learnt that I am not doing more damage by pushing myself to keep going; to stretch rather than flump exhausted on the sofa at the end of the day and feel twice as bad. The meditation videos are really good.


Feb 2024


Feb 2024


Feb 2024


Feb 2024


Jan 2024

Definitely changes the way that you consider living with chronic pain, the understanding of flare-ups and how to approach asking for help from others who do not understand, was very helpful. As was the advice regarding changing the way you think, yes the pain may be bad today, but I can manage it and I do not need to feel worried that more pain means more harm or damage. I would say to others, give it a go, you have nothing to lose and if you come away with just one thing from the course that helps with the pain, then it is truly worth it, especially, if like me, you have days where you are so down due to the pain that it makes you cry....alot!


Jan 2024


Jan 2024


Jan 2024

Displaying 26 - 50 of 925 Testimonials